October 21st, 1985 thru March 24th, 1986 - Principal photography takes place. Reshoots & editing are completed over many more months. Locations include Morocco, the Sahara Desert, Los Angeles & the Kaufman Astoria Studios in New York City.
Early 1987 - Photography for a music video of 'Little Darlin' is shot in New York with Hoffman & Beatty... & a camel.

May 9, 1987 - Ishtar sneak preview in L.A..
May 13, 1987 - Ishtar premiered at the Century City Plitt Theater in Los Angeles, California. SEE PHOTOS OF PREMIERE GUESTS AT WIREIMAGE.COM.
May 15, 1987 - Ishtar opens in North America on 1,139 screens. It's the number 1 box office draw on opening weekend. The movie also opens the same day in Poland.
Nov 12, 1987 - Ishtar opens in Australia.
Dec 11, 1987 - Ishtar opens in Sweden.
Dec 16, 1987 - Ishtar opens in France.
Dec 18, 1987 - Ishtar opens in Finland.
Jan 14, 1988 - Ishtar opens in West Germany.

May 8, 2007 - 'Signatures - Dustin Hoffman' DVD boxed set, includes Ishtar, released only in Germany.
Nov 24, 2006 - An official documentary on ISHTAR, called 'Waiting For Ishtar', is in the works, by filmakers John Mitchell & Jonathan Crombie. Check out the details on the official site here!
Feb 2, 2005 - DVD release in France.
Nov 21, 2004 - DVD release in Brazil.
Oct 7, 2004 - DVD release in Germany.
Sep. 2004 - Widespread DVD release throughout most of Europe & Japan!!!
Sep 14, 2004 - DVD release in Spain.
Sep 13, 2004 - DVD release in the United Kingdom & Czech Republic.
Aug 13, 2004 - DVD release in Denmark.
Dec 4, 2003 - Dustin Hoffman speaks about Ishtar on NPR Radio. See it IN HIS WORDS.
Jan 1, 1995 - VHS release in Czech Republic.
Oct 6, 1994 - VHS release in Mexico.
Jun 24, 1994 - Second North American release on VHS (CAT # 6302814146) & Laserdisc (CAT # 60849-RC; SRP $34.95).
Jul 6, 1992 - VHS release in France.
Jan 30, 1991 - First North American home video release on VHS (CAT # 60849). Suggested retail price: $89.95.